Wednesday, April 6, 2011

11:00 pm

The Situation: We seem to have reached critical mass: our income is still down roughly 80% if not more, my husband's unemployment extension is set to run out this month, the bank has promised to end our tenure as homeowners early next month, and the government program to assist homeowners in our situation has gone into a coma. It is 11:00. The sea water is up to our necks. Something's gotta give.

The Facts:
(1.) God has promised that He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)

(2.) God has further promised that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19) which are detailed in His financial portfolio as "the Earth and everything in it" (Psalm 24:1) not to mention the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10)

The Fine Print:
(1.) He told us to ask (James 1:6-8) ("check")

(2.) He asked that we trust in Him with all of our hearts, not try to figure this out with our limited logic, but that we instead acknowledge Him and let him lead out (Proverbs 3:5-6) ("check")

(3.)He told us to wait (Psalm 27:14) ("check")

I trust that our time in this crucible will soon be ending. I don't believe that He will let us drown.

"Let me not be put to shame O Lord, for I have cried out to you" Psalm 31:17