Tuesday, April 28, 2009


After an unusually cold and seemingly extended winter, I was drawn into the garden last week by the warm, sunny weather. I wanted to assess winter's toll on the plants and see if anything interesting was coming to life. The daffodils that bloomed a few weeks prior were reaching the end of their time on stage but were still upright, having yet to take their final bow. The hydrangeas were exhibiting leafy, greenness near their bases. And, though the winter Daphne did not bloom this year, they have matured and survived the cold. Having already resigned myself to the loss of my beautiful lavender plant, and my fuschia, I went to have a last look. The skeletal remains of the lavender confirmed my belief that it had indeed lost the fight. The fuschia however, to my surprise, had begun to unfurl tiny green leaves at its base. New Life! Where there had been death!

I love how the natural mirrors the spiritual; How God reveals Himself (the unseen) in the things that are seen (Romans 1:18-20). And I love how He takes those things that we have surrendered to death, believing them lost to the biting cold winter of our trials, and speaks life causing them to blossom once more. For our heavenly Father has declared, "Behold I make all things new..." (Revelation 21:5). That is spring, indeed!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ferris Wheel

I remember taking a road trip when I was in high school to Hood River with my sister and one of her friends. While we were there, we attended a carnival that offered the usual trappings including the Ferris Wheel. Though I have never been one for thrill rides I, for reasons that escape me now, consented to ride it this time with my sister.

By the time we reached the top, my wet palms were clutching the bar , my eyes tightly shut, and I was screaming with all that I had within me. This was my (and my sister's) posture for several revolutions of the giant wheel. Exhausted, I finally stopped screaming, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes. A breathtaking, panoramic view of the area unfolded. As we descended, I found myself anticipating the next turn that would hoist me into the clouds to offer me more. I stretched my neck to see as a much, and as far as I could. And when the ride ended, I realized that it took me moving completely out of my comfort zone to gain a viewpoint unavailable to me from below.

Over the years, I have found this to be how God works in my life. While I enjoy feeling the earth firmly beneath my feet and the sense of security that it brings, when my Creator whispers to me that He has more for me, I long to sail into the clouds and catch a glimpse of the splendor that lies beyond the safety of where I currently stand. And as I obediently move in the direction of His calling, despite my apprehensions, he gives me the grace to withstand the ascent. He gives me hinds feet. (Habbakkuk 3:19)

Just imagine where God would take His people if we weren't afraid of heights.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


My husband recently told me that I am one of the most private people that he knows. This is probably true but, it's not because I have anything to hide. It's simply because in this world of rapidly advancing technology where everyone has almost unlimited access to everyone else's activities and where abouts, I choose to maintain a lower profile. I prefer to share myself on a more personal level; over tea, at my house, with fresh baked bread ...or at least in person, not in cyberspace. I am not on Facebook or Twitter and only own a cell phone so that my children and husband can find me in case of emergency. I don't have a "Second Life" (but am very much enjoying my first one). I still pay my bills with a check by mail and know the names of my neighbors as well as many of the employees at my local grocery store. All of this despite that fact that I am not yet forty (though increasingly close).

So here I am starting a blog; an intimate guide to my thoughts; a tour of my head. Me, "Miss Private". Its not because I find myself infinitely fascinating and want to share the wealth of my greatness with the masses. Rather, as I stated in my profile, I feel a tug to serve as scribe for The One who breathed His breath into my nostrils, giving me life, and calling it good. This little blog is a simple act of obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. His call trumps my right to privacy and comfort every time.