Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was talking with our accountant over the phone last week as she finalized our 2011 return. She needed clarification on a few things so I was explaining the circumstances to her. Having done our taxes for about fifteen years, she remarked that we have had it rough for the last five years, or so. I offered the expression that I picked up from my cousin: "Yeah, we've been 'circling the drain' for about five years." ( Thank you Kim, I love that expression, beaucoup!) She laughed and advised that we keep our arms out, so that we don't go down. (I love the mental image of that too). I retorted that, as things have been going, our arms would likely just break off.

While, Sherri and I shared a good laugh about that, the truth is I am sure that even if we do lose our battle against the drain, get sucked down, shredded by the disposal into a billion tiny fragments, and subsequently scattered to the four corners of the earth, nothing will be lost. I know the Master Plumber-- the same God who called the dry bones scattered in the valley that Ezekiel visited to assemble and live again. I know that he can resurrect every casualty of adverse circumstance. And, I know that he's got this.

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."
John 11:25-26