Monday, November 28, 2011


I am troubled by the direction that our culture is spiraling in. If it continues, we will need to rename the holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. "Tailgate Thursday" or "The Pre-Shopping Fuel-Up" both seem more appropriate as we are rapidly shifting away from "giving thanks," to just gorging on food, football, and more stuff to fill up our attics (and those of the ones we love.) This year, I was especially dismayed by a news story that showed employees of one of the big box chains based in Minneapolis petitioning their employer for the day off to be able to spend time with family. The company responded that they were unable to satisfy the employees' request because they "needed to stay competitive." Another chain, out of Arkansas, always seems to lead the skirmish. The five O'clock news reported five separate incidences of violence, at five separate stores, in five states; all part of this dubious chain. It seems that in addition to watching out for "falling prices," one must also be on the look out for tasers, guns, and overzealous discount hunters, in general. It's distressing to me that in a country where we have so much, we want so much more.

I am thankful that my employer recognizes the values of the holiday and allowed us the day off, with pay. I am thankful that after a long job search, my husband is again employed, and was also granted the day off. And, I am grateful that we have been able to remain in our house, which was warmed last Thursday by a furnace that was recently repaired, and by the love and laughter of family. For these small blessings and so many others, I give thanks.

"I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1