Tuesday, February 15, 2011


While I've never considered myself a pessimist, and have long sought to enjoy the blessings of life, lately I have discovered a "whole--'notha--level" of happiness.* For example, today as I stood in the rain wondering if the bus that I had seen pass moments before I arrived at the stop was the one I needed to catch, I realized that this potential elicited neither panic nor even annoyance. It simply meant a possible change of plans. As I reflect on this and other moments of sheer bliss recently, it occurs to me that God is doing something really cool during this season. He is remodeling my interior terrain. During the worst financial storm of my adult life, I am more carefree than I have been since I was a very small child. And, it feels amazing.

"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3

*That one was for you, Babe.