Tuesday, September 28, 2010


People can learn a lot from dog interactions. If you've ever watched two or more canines encounter each other for the first time, you've likely noticed the sheer excitement of simply seeing another dog. I have yet to see one pooch, spot another and ignore that sighting or cross to the other side of the street to avoid contact. On the contrary, they seem to relish any and every opportunity to meet and sniff every other member of their species. Irrespective of size, color, or breed, dogs are always interested in other dogs.

Imagine if people felt the same sense of joy when engaging with other humans. Of course it would not do if we should become so utterly distracted as to be completely derailed from the activity at hand like our four-legged friends. But, a little bit of awe and wonder at meeting another individual created in the image of God, should sweep over us, regardless of the other person's size, color, or status.

"He who has friends must show himself friendly." Proverbs 18:24

Monday, September 27, 2010


My hubby was offered a job last Friday. We had expected it as there had been a bit of activity over the past couple of weeks pointing in that direction. We knew that the wheels were in motion. But as often occurs at critical junctures, there is a fork in the road. There is the position that has been offered, and a second that has not quite reached that stage of maturity, but is also tantalizing.

So here's the rub: We continue to prayerfully consider where it is that God is directing. While we believe that we may soon be free to check out of the desert (hallelujah), we don't want to run "directly to jail without passing 'go' and collecting (the) $200." Instead, we are trying to employ wisdom and take the steps that God has ordered for us, not just the ones that we think are most intriguing. We definitely prefer "Isaacs" over "Ishmaels."

It is an exciting time. We are grateful for our time in the wilderness and the perspective gained here. God has given us a front row seat as he displays his supernatural provision in the wastelands. Certainly, "our clothes have not worn out" (see Deut 8:4) Now, I eagerly await the second act. I know that it's going to be worth the price of admission.

"For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land- a land with streams and pools of water, with springs flowing into the valley and hills; a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey; a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills".
Deuteronomy 8:7-9

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is a rhythm to fall that always delights me. I realize that technically it is still summer, but the routine that commences once my lieblings head off to their first day of school is the unofficial beginnning of that season for me. Today, was that day. And, in keeping with the theme it poured rain. I didn't argue, rather donned my Gorton's-fisherman-yellow rain slicker and began dreaming of baking, and workable soil. If I'd had galoshes, I may have even splashed through some puddles. Autumn is cozy.

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I am grateful for each season. None of them lasts forever. I am still waiting to transition from the difficult financial season that has consumed much of this year, but I wholly trust that it's coming. Then, as now, I will clothe myself in the seasonally appropriate attire and and dance in the rain.