Sunday, September 11, 2011


Like most of America and probably others abroad, I am remembering the event of the September 11, 2001 today. During that time, my husband and I resided on the East coast with our little ones just 45 minutes from the Pentagon. It was a surreal day in our lives.
Besides having to pick up the children early from school, and hearing rumors that nearby Ft. Detrick had also been struck, what sticks with me from that day was the courage with which the rescue workers rushed into that dire situation to save the lives of the folks in danger. Those individuals were trained to deal with hazard and likely didn't think twice about putting themselves in harms way to carry out the mission for which they had been called.
The people of God have been called to satisfy a similar directive: To go into all the world and help those who haven't heard how, to make a successful exit from peril. I pray that we seize upon our mission with as much grace as those rescue workers exhibited at ground zero.