Sunday, August 26, 2012


This morning, I was reflecting on something that my nephew said when my husband and I presented him with a bible as one of his graduation gifts. He remarked that he will use if he gets into trouble (perhaps not verbatim, but certainly something to that effect). I countered, to use it even when he's not "in trouble." He is headed off to college and we wanted to make sure that he had the right road map.

His thinking is not unusual. God's word is often viewed as an aspirin to be taken when one is in pain and needs relief. It's a quick fix remedy to be kept on hand in case of emergency. Little thought is given to aspirin when one is not in need. Without diminishing the awesomeness of God's word, I prefer to treat the bible as a vitamin: A necessary, daily, life-giving, source of nutrients that will prevent me needing the aspirin in the first place. It enhances all that concerns me, and keeps me functioning at an optimal level.

In a similar vein, I am a natural hair devotee and read several blogs on the topic. The method that I currently use to care for my hair has resulted in the longest, fullest, healthiest hair that I've ever had in my life. (Another blessing from my aforemention cousin, Kim. Thank you, cuz!) In addition, it is the easiest, lowest maintenance system that I've ever encountered. For me, it's like a miracle. And, my experience is not unique. There are blogs and blogs of women who, like me, have found amazing lengths and vitality by doing with their hair what I have had done. So, I am always surprised when I read that someone is thinking of returning to prior methods-- while expecting the same result.

Just as some view the Word of God (and God at large, for that matter) as an aspirin, others view Him as merely the provider of a push start. They just want enough to get going and then cut ties once they have momentum. There is an assumption that a touch, rather than an ongoing relationship, is all that is needed. Both scenarios allow God to be saviour, but certainly not Lord. He is a handy tool, not worthy of any thought outside of moments of need and/or distress. He is an aspirin, or jumper cables.

I have found my need to be greater than that. While I am grateful that he has shown me his hands (providing both pain relief and emergency roadside assistance, when needed), I hunger for his face: the intimate knowledge of who he is and, in turn, who he created me to be. I desire the growth and vitality that comes from ongoing, extensive contact.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." John 15:5

"Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?" Galatians 3:3

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