Monday, July 30, 2012


I wrote a few months ago about how Jesus is misperceived by the culture (See "Warrior"). People tend to equate him with Santa Claus or other such benevolent, fictional personalities that really just want everyone to be happy and live a harmonious existence with everyone else. He was just a good man with some great ideas. A community organizer.

With this revisionist Jesus, spiritual warfare also gets dumbed down.(Think of the classic scene in which both a diminutive devil and an angel are perched on opposite shoulders, of some uncertain putz, each directing him as to a course of action.) Lately, the Christian community seems to have the audacity to believe that we can slightly alter the rules of the game to a kinder, gentler sort of play (no hitting above the waist), change the name (I've heard both "spatial" and "ga-ga"now used to describe the game that I knew as a child as "dodgeball"), and hope that more people will want to play. Is mankind so conceited that we actually believe that it's all about us rather than realizing that we are involved in an ancient war that we did not start and are unable to finish? Against powers and principalities against which we are unmatched in our own strength? (see Ephesians 6:12-18). We will not shake our opponents' hands at game's end, commend them on their strategy, and retire to the clubhouse to discuss the highlight reel over refreshments. What's at stake here is much greater. And this is for keeps.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesian 6:12 KJV

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