Sunday, August 8, 2010


My hubby and I attended a wedding yesterday and while waiting for the festivities to begin, a longtime friend of mine was snapping impromptu photos of the guests. Now, anyone who knows me, realizes that the sight of a lens pointed in my direction usually elicits an attempt on my part to disappear. I simply do not relish having my picture taken. Let me clarify that this was not the photographer hired by the couple to capture their day (I sat still for him. Besides, he was at a more comfortable distance. I would not likely be featured in his shots) This was renegade paparazzi, likely on a mission that involved Facebook. So, I employed my best strategies to avoid being photographed which included finally leaving the area. I was scolded by another guest for doing so. She told me that she maintains photographs of herself and her husband from birth forward because she wants her grandchildren to see her in her youth. Not wanting to be photographed, in her opinion, is prideful.

Her words gave me pause and made me reflect on my photo aversion... As much as I love photography and revisiting the memories captured on film, I am less concerned about being remembered for the way that I look, than for my character. I've heard rumor that the Apostle Paul had bowed legs and a huge head but, what he lacked in physical aesthetics, he more than made up for in devotion to our saviour. He is one of my favorites. And, while Queen Esther was beautiful, she earned a book in the Old Testament because of her courageous obedience, not because of her hourglass figure, or perfectly symmetrical features. I hope that when I am gone, I am remembered because I was a true friend, a faithful wife, and a loving mother; because I was hospitable, because I loved to laugh, and more than anything because I was a woman after God's own heart. The color and shape of my eyes pale in comparison.

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