Friday, May 14, 2010


It is around 75 degrees today, for the second day running and I am so happy to see that good old sun. I am badly in need of some vitamin D, and sun rays pouring into my windows.

I am looking forward to the slower pace of summer. I plan to suck all of the goodness out of every moment of that season just as I sucked all of the color out of my "Popsicles" as a child (Do you remember that? Reducing those things to nothing more than flavorless icebergs on a stick?)

I hope that this change of season will also usher in the change of season that God is birthing for my household. We are holding up well, still filled with peace, and gazing toward the hills for our help, but I won't pretend like it wont be a relief when we are able to shake the dust of this desert off of our sandals and sit down to feast on the spoils of the promised land.


  1. I remember those popsicles! Snowcones too.... where you sucked all the syrup out of them and were left with shaved ice. We're still praying that you can dust the sand from the desert off your feet real soon and enter the lush green grass of the promised land.
