Thursday, May 14, 2009


I try to take a brisk morning walk several times a week in an effort to give my heart some love and to minimize my thunder-thighs. I was out this morning on one of the walking trails that I frequent, when a woman approached pushing a stroller, accompanied by her small, black, dog. The dog was wandering unhurried along, sniffing everything within view. As she neared me she called to the dog, "Come here, Sadie." He did not respond but continued inhaling the shrubbery. While Sadie sniffed my shoes, she smiled and commented to me with a chuckle, "He is not obeying today." I returned her smile, greeted her and the dog, and continued on. As I did so, it struck me "neither is she." Sadie was not on a leash. That is a blatant violation of the parks' code posted on signs throughout the area.

Normally, I might not have given any of this a second thought but lately, the occurrences of this relativistic mindset are rampant. Just a few months ago, the local paper (in light of the latest political scandal) ran in bold lettering, on the front page, the headline, "He's a liar...but aren't we all?" I cringed at the mere sight of it and felt obligated to send a letter to the editor emphatically declaring that, "No. We are not."

Increasingly in our culture, there is an assumption that there is now a "standard quo" in addition to a "status quo." There are no absolutes. Everything, including truth, is relative, transitory, dependent on the whims of human desire and emotion. That is a frightfully slippery slope. But the truth is true whether we acknowledge it or not just as God is God whether we, as a nation, honor Him or not. He is constant; the only sure foundation; the rock upon which I build my life.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! You are such a beautiful writer and an even more beautiful person! And...I always use a leash!!
